Thursday, April 30, 2015

Essay, Statement of Purpose, Study plan, Recommendation letter, Аutobiography англи, хятадaaр хэрхэн бичих вэ

Их сургуульд элсэгчдэд тавигддаг чухал шалгууруудын нэг болох Essay, Statement of Purpose, Study plan (Хойд Америк, Европын их сургуулиудад Essay, Statement of Purpose нэрээр шаарддаг бол, Азийн их сургуулиудад Study plan нэрээр, Essay, Statement of Purpose нэрээр нэрээр шаарддаг бөгөөд эдгээрийн нэршил нь өөр болохоос агуулга ба хэлбэрийн хувьд ижил юм.), Recommendation letter, Autobiography бичихдээ гаргадаг түгээмэл алдаанаас хэрхэн зайлсхийх, хэрхэн зөв бичих талаар дурдъя. 
1.Study plan-д яагаад тус сургуулийн уг хөтөлбөр чамд юугаараа онцлог бөгөөд давуу талтай болохоор элсэн суралцах сонирхолтой байгааг дурдахаас гадна ямар хичээлүүд чиний сонирхлыг татаж байгаа, ямар арга барил, хичээл зүтгэлээр тус хөтөлбөрт сурах, төгссөний дараах төлөвлөгөө зэргийг бичдэг бол мастерт суралцагчийн хувьд судалгааны сонирхол чиглэл юу болох, судалгааг хэрхэн хийх талаар товч дурдана. Study plan-ыг дараах загвараар бичиж болно. 
                                                                                         Essay/Statement of Purpose /Study plan



I am writing my study plan for MBA program of .......................University at this time because it is my desire to attend graduate school at ........................... and earn a MBA degree. 

.........................College of Management’s master program provides prospective students a comprehensive training, which includes concept, knowledge and skill that are needed in an international business, to become future global leaders. Nowadays, knowing Chinese management style and Asian market perspective is a huge advantage for me because I am planning to work in globalized markets. 

   My interest in pursuing a master of international business began at .............Corporation, one of the Mongolian top enterprises. During my marketing manager career, I am working on many challenging projects which helped me lot to reach who am I today and influenced greatly to shape my personal growth and development. Most impressive result was we reached postpaid service market share of 80% while we are fierce competition and challenging our dominant position. This project was awarded best projects of the year of 2007 in Jan 2008. 
    Having studied the curriculum and compared it to the curriculum of other business schools, I feel that the multidisciplinary makeup of the department gives it the opportunity to provide me who wish to gain comprehensive management training and faculty who wish to perform interdisciplinary research that has global implications. 
Managers all make decisions, all the time. As my career grows, my decisions will become more and more important. So in fall semester of 2016 I will study International Business Research Methods, Organization Theory & Problem Solving, Managerial Economics, as well as some research method courses such as Guidance research and thesis which is designed to give me the opportunity to make a variety of risky, competitive and difficult decisions so that I can learn how I make decisions and how I write thesis better. 
    Spring semester of 2017 I will study required courses such as, International Business Management, International Financial Management, Strategies of International Business Management, International Production and Operations Management, International Human Resource Management. By studying these courses I will able to learn the theory and practice of international business, what global managers do and should do in the world of corporate management, and how the companies are established, financed and run, and how their activities are regulated. 
   Services and marketing play a major role in winning the business not only for service firms, but also for manufacturing firms. So fall and spring semester of 2017, I will attend in some required courses such as international marketing management, New Product Development, E-Commerce and Mobile Commerce courses which I will choose will help me analyze and design a good service marketing strategy. And elective courses such as Consumer Psychology and Behavior, Marketing Research and Strategy Planning, Green Marketing, Global Brand Management and Creative Advertising and Customer Relationship Management which focus on how companies create values. In my first year MBA, I glad to study intermediate Chinese. I can choose these courses based on my interests and future developments. Through the theoretical and practical courses, I am expected to be excellent business administration experts. 
     Finally, in selecting the ............................................. University I have been influenced by English-taught professional courses, joint-class of global talent and local elits and a comprehensive training, which includes concept, knowledge and skill that are needed in an international business, to become future global leaders. 
Upon completion of a master of business administration I plan to synthesize my bachelor of art and international business degree, along with my marketing and sales experience, by promoting clean energy, an engine of an environmentally friendly sustainable development, and meaningfully contribute to the growth and prosperity of my homeland I feel my background thus far, combined with the program of master of business administration offered by ................., will help me achieve that aim.
I am extremely well equipped for graduate business program, and I feel certain I could one day become a distinguished alumnus of your fine university.
                                                                       学习计划/Тайвань бол 讀書計畫書/

申请系所 ................
我申请............大学电子工程系学士班、因为我正在努力规划课程、除了必修与选修科目的致力修习、以获得更大的学习空间、 并成为电子工程师。..........电子工程系教学与研究以半导体与积体电路设计、通讯与信号处理及计算机与网路等三个領域为主,并以「系统晶片」、「媒体通讯」及「智慧空间」为发展特色、所以我期望成为培养电子工程师人才。
     现在的我、目标已经确立了 贵校的电子工程学系、我也会用我最大的努力、去将这件事做最好地规划、并且去广泛的学习未知的领域、因此.........大学的电子工程学系是我的唯一选择。
      要成为一个杰出的电子人才、在大一、大二期间、对于通识、专业基础与专业必选修课程、应有深入了解、因此我要在这两年中增进自我涵养、并做好将来作为专业人员的基础。我除了着重电子工程系的共 同 必 修 与专 业 必修科目、并持续专业选修科目的进修外、增加自己的创新思考、并从中吸取他人的经验。到了大三、四时、由于电子工程系的专业课程逐渐增多、我会花更多的时间在专业必修和选修科目的研读、并积极争取实习的机会、不论是校内或是校外、实习是一个实践理论的机会、也能让自己对于实作方面的知识、更为了解及活用。
在选择国立宜兰大学时、本系大学部核心能力包括电子专业领域的基础知能、专业技能与实作的能力, 通讯、积体电路或计算机与网路等相关专业知识的能力, 数理知识与其运用的能力, 实验设计与执行、数据分析与诠释的能力, 发掘、分析及解决问题的能力, 计画管理、有效沟通、表达与团队合作的能力, 理解专业伦理及社会责任, 具备英文阅读及开拓国际视野与培养终身学习的能力。如果我能进入电子工程系就读、我希望在课业学习方面做些规画、要求自己建立充实的基础理论、对电子资讯有全盘的了解与认知。电子工程系的目的在于培养一个能独立思考设计、亦与能小队分工、并有耐心毅力的电子人才。他应具有丰富的专业知识、流利的外语能力、和电脑应用的常识、并富有高尚的人文素养、基于这些理念、我将学习目标分成四大方针和三进程。
电子系毕业后我想在进修、再申请国立宜兰大学「电子所」硕士外、电子系毕业的学生都具有相关的基础知识、可以马上进入其所要进修领域、而作更探入的研究。其弹性和选择之多、绝对是任何一科系的毕业生所无法拥有的。    电子人在中原的社团活动有着令人刮目相看的表现。除了参与社团活动之外、不定期举行体育竞赛、业界参观等活动、不但使生活多元化、也协助同学解决各方面的问题。电子人的生活并不是一直在念书、还有许多多采多姿的社团、班级活动可以参与。

2.Autobiography буюу намтар бичихдээ овог нэр, төрсөн он сар бичих нь илүүц учир нь ийм мэдээллийг application form-д заавал бөглөсөн байдаг. Бакалаврт суралцахаар бичиж байгаа бол гэр бүлийн ямар орчин чамайг өдий зэрэгт хүргэсэн, амжилттай суралцаж, дэвшин суралцахад нөлөөлсөн төдийгүй, хэн, ямар хүчин зүйл чамд ийм мэргэжил сонгоход нөлөө үзүүлсэн, хобби, чөлөөт цаг, сайн дурын ажлууд, чиний дуртай хичээл, уралдаан шагнал энэхүү хөтөлбөрт элсэн суралцах чадвартайг нотлон харуулахад чиглэх бол мастерт суралцагчийн хувьд дээрх мэдээллүүдээс гадна, бакалаврт суралцахдаа юу олж мэдсэн, дадлага ба ажлын туршлагаас олж харсан зүйл мастерт сурч, судалгааны ажил хийхэд хэрхэн ач холбогдолтой болох талаас нь дурдана.                                                                                                                                                    Autobiography
............ University
Master Program of ..........................
Applicant ...............................
I am writing an autobiography to applying for the master program in the Microbiology and Immunology of ..................................University.
     I was born in a poor family of .................., one of the Mongolian provinces, but I have a beautiful family. I love my family because my parents care about my education, my parents always told me, “Knowledge is the most precious treasure for everyone!” I always remember those words in my mind. So I always did my homework alone without any help since my parents were always busy to earn a living. I have become familiar with taking responsibility for my own since then.
From childhood, my goal is to become a medical doctor because my lifelong interest is saving lives, helping people, rescuing others, and excelling personally and professionally in all I do. The school days offered me a lot to learn. Subjects like science, chemistry, languages, and biology were of special interest to me. Years of studying in the high school of Mongolia with countless examinations sharpen my ability to work and deal with problems under high pressure. I graduated at the top of my class with a 4.0 GPA in all my senior high school classes.
    Upon completed senior high school, I was admitted to Mongolian National University of Medical science, during my undergraduate years I conducted research titled on ‘’Result of an experiment in the animal for methyl alcohol poison and to become poison less it using bio sorbent”. This research was got as a first place from a medical field of this university, 4th place from a conference of the university, award named after the principal and as second place Eureka student conference. I also conducted research named “To research water pollution using cryoscopy method”, “Densitometer research of using bio sorbent for bone mineralization”, and “Structural research of human pituitary bone” at anatomy department. When I was an undergraduate student, I was participated in many competitions within state and university successfully such as special awards from Microbiology-Immunological state Olympiad, and silver and bronze medals from state chemical Olympiad.
    After graduated Mongolian National University of Medical science, I was working at ...................... Province Hospital for two years. Almost 2% of the Mongolian population lives in this province across the country. However, only 0.1% of all practicing doctors work in this location and it means the work of a rural doctor is one full of both challenges and rewards. My rural province has populations of less than 80000 people, and as one of the few doctors in my area, I know well my neighbors well. In addition to being their primary care provider, I will also know my patients as people who live and work. My rural communities are small, but because I ll be one of the few physicians in the area, my patient workload is likely to be busy. I always work longer hours and see more patients than their suburban and urban counterparts. As a rural doctor, I may be the only physician that my patients have access to, so be prepared to diagnose and treat a wide range of symptoms, disease, and illness that are often managed by specialists in suburban and urban areas. Expect to see a high number of patients on Medicaid and Medicare, as rural communities often have high numbers of recipients. As a rural doctor, I might feel like I am on call 24/7 since I should to run into your patients on a regular basis at the only grocery store or post office in town.
    Cardiovascular disease, liver cancer and liver cirrhosis, lung cancer, kidney failure and blood cancer is the cause of death and disease in Mongolia. People who suffer from these diseases are diagnosed at a later stage are worsening to death, which is increasingly necessary to carry out an organ transplant, the number of surgical cases surgery. I want to study advanced surgical transplantation of organs on the controlling and immune transplantation various organs, and reducing specific immunosuppressive drug of choice, its characteristics and use, side effects I want to study. By studying the organs of the immune response to its theoretical differences between each level in ...........................................University, I will be able to develop this sector and contribute to improving the follow-transplantation organs and to extend their lives and improve quality of life.
Having worked for two years in the rural hospital it was time to broaden my horizons. Two years training course in surgeon at the Health Science University of Mongolia provides me the necessary skills and knowledge base for advancing on to the master program.
      I was good at my assigned tasks, but I have rarely had the knowledge to fulfill my dream and idea. So I began to Medical University in the hope of focusing on the pathogenesis of bacterial diseases, gene regulation of microorganisms, host-defense mechanisms of the immune system and the relationship between immune aging and autoimmune diseases as the foundation for cultivating students in basic, clinical and biomedical industry. My interest in pursuing a Master Program of Microbiology and Immunology began at the Tamkang university Chinese Language program. This is why I believe a Master Program in Microbiology and Immunology from ......................... University is an ideal course for me.
In the spring semester of 2017, I will study required courses such as seminar, molecular biology, methods and techniques in microbiology and immunology, teaching training in microbiological and immunological techniques. Fall semester of 2017, I will attend in some required such as a special lecture in microbiology and immunology, and electives in microbial genetics, Bioinformatics tools in practical application and teaching training in microbiological and immunological techniques.
I have prepared myself academically for Medicine by majoring in Microbiology and Immunology. Finally, in selecting the ............................................. University I have been influenced by English-taught professional courses, joint-class of international students and Taiwanese students and specialized faculty members delivering a variety of researchers from molecular microbiology to immunology are performed in this program.
Upon completion of a master of molecular microbiology to immunology molecular microbiology to immunology I plan to synthesize my bachelor degree in medicine, along with physician experience, by enlarging a research laboratory for internationally renowned and I feel my background thus far, combined with the program of master of molecular microbiology to immunology offered by ....................., will help me achieve that aim.
   I am extremely well equipped for a graduate program, and I feel certain I could one day become a distinguished alumnus of your fine university.
Thank you for your consideration of my application.
    我申请..............大学管理学院企业管理系、因为我正在努力规划课程、除了必修科目的致力修习、以获得更大的学习空间、 并成为高阶企业经理人才。.............大学管理学院企业管理系学士班课程架构包含核心课程与专业课程、所以我期望成为具有国际观之经理人才。
         我家中成员共六名、爸爸是社会工作师、母亲是会计师和为家管、平常花了许多时间教导我们的课业。虽然家父母的学歷不高、但自小他们刻苦奋斗的精神便深深地影响了我、 从小、家中非常注重教育、遇到困难事情不退缩、绞尽脑汁思考解决问题的方法、进而一一克服、盼望能成为一名有为的青年。
        从小、我便对于数学、社会科学与外语不排斥、并且愿意面对创新的挑战、 企业充满了兴趣。不知不觉中、对企业产生了极大的兴趣、因而激起了学习企业管理学的决心。在高中时代因为担任「英文演讲社」社长的经验、让我学习到如何在课业和社团活动中、取得平衡与兼顾。所以在大学、我也将日入社团。在课堂之外、利用高中学校图书馆的藏书及网路的使用、吸收更多的讯息、并不一定只限于基础科学。并利用课余空闲的时间、到其他学院旁听、以吸取他人优点、改进自己缺点、扩大个人视野。
        在全球化竞争激烈市场中、我一直有想法改变、但我要学习足够的知识。于是、为了实现我的梦想、调查所需要的分析工具和概念的管院。这就是原因我相信.....................大学管理学院企业管理系学士班是一种理想课程适合我需求。现在的我目标已经确立了贵校的企业管理系、我也会用我最大的努力、去将这件事做最好地规划、并且去广泛的学习未知的領域、因此.................大学管理学院企业管理系是我的唯一选择。倘若环境许可我要继续上..................大学管理学院经营管理研究所深造、使自己的知識領域更广阔、 将來成为一位优秀的企业管理人才。希望能从贵校特有的制度中体验生活、学习当个逢甲大学的新鲜人。

3.Recommendation Form буюу багшийн тодорхойлох захианы хувьд ерөнхийдөө АНУ-ын их сургуулийн загвараас Тайвань болон Хятадын их сургуулиудын их сургуулиудын загвар өөр байдаг. Манайхан голдуу google-с хараад дуурайгаад бичдэг. Тэр дундаа хятадаар бичих бол Хятад, Тайвань загвар илүү өндөр үнэлгээтэй гэдгийг анхаарах хэрэгтэй. Зарим сургуулиуд дүн, оноог нь чухалчлаад дээрх бичсэнд нэг ач холбогдол өгдөггүй нь үнэн хэдий ч эрэлттэй, өрсөлдөөн ихтэй хөтөлбөртэй сургуулиуд анхааралтай уншдаг гэдгийг хэлэх нь зүйтэй болов уу. Их сургуулиудын намрын элсэлт ид өрнөж байна. 
Letter of recommendation
It is with great pleasure and enthusiasm that I am writing to offer a recommendation letter for ....................... I have been a professor at Faculty of Architecture from ............. University of information and communication technology for more than ten years and I supervised many Diploma and internship projects and I counseled many students seeking professional advancement. Applicant ...................... is one of them.
As his professor I know him, I have had an opportunity to observe ....................'s participation and interaction in my class of "Sustainability and building physics". I gave him advice regarding all design phases from the basic evaluation to construction for new and existing buildings. Over this time he proved to be a very ambitious person, well-motivated, capable of dealing a very big volume of work, modest, diligent and a person who likes jobs well done.
In the case of a "Sustainability and building physics" I taught him fundamental design skills such as ability to effectively use basic architectural and environmental principles in design. In each class course that he develops, he always gained respect from all of his classmates.
I have seen his evolution during his academic years and I can certainly state that he was a reliable and a creative student in ................. University. So ................... is an outstanding individual with a strong character. He has the ability to produce impressive results in a wide variety of areas, being organized and motivated, self-confident and success oriented.
It is with enthusiasm that I am writing to support Purevsuren's application to the Master of Urban Planning Program at the School of Architecture and Art of South Central University and I advise you thoughtfully to take it into consideration. If further information is needed, please feel free to contact me.

Prof.________________, Ph.D.
Institutions: ............ University of information and communication technology

Address: ............................., Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia




推荐人姓名:..................    服务机构:.......................
住址: ...................................

Хэрвээ та бүхэн Тайваний их сургуульд сурахын давуу ба сул тал, Тайваний сургуулиудын онцлог талууд, аль сургуульд сурах боломжтой болох, Тайваний их сургуулиудад элсэх шалгуур ямар байдаг, ямар оюутанд 100%-ын тэтгэлэг олгодог, юунд анхаарах талаар мэдээлэл авахыг хүсвэл дараах холбоосоор орж үзэх боломжтой.
Ингээд та бүхэнд амжилт хүсье.